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Cracked Heels Relief Protective Silicone Gel Sleeves for Heel Pain or Plantar Fasciitis, Bruised Foot, Softens Sore Dry Heels Relieves Pain of Sore Feet
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Cracked Heels Relief Protective Silicone Gel Sleeves for Heel Pain or Plantar Fasciitis, Bruised Foot, Softens Sore Dry Heels Relieves Pain of Sore Feet

Product ID: 59136145
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Colour:Beige SILICONE GEL HEEL SLEEVES by Little Wing Beauty come in two styles:BREATHABLE with AIR HOLES for use during the day with socks and shoes or trainers.SMOOTH SOFT SILICONE with NO AIR HOLES to use with your own foot balm to soften and nourish your foot balm at night enabling you to wake up with soft heels.Cracked heels can be recognised by a build up of dry cracked skin around the edge of the heel and split vertically all around the heel, the pain is felt with every step and is very uncomfortable.Our silicone gel heels are designed to wear at night to soften your heels while you are sleeping .Used by people who are on their feet all day, Nurses, hospitality workers, police, they make great gifts for your colleagues.Perfect for runners, hikers, athletes, sports people.Use with any creamy moisturises such as Vaseline or coconut oil, together with regular rasping of the heels brings long term relief from painful, dry cracked heels.Hand wash in warm soapy water and air dry."These silicon heel sleeves are so comfortable on my bone spurs and plantar fasciitis and the soften my rough heels too. Just the little added support, not tight, gives me some pain relief. These are made of a gel type material I wash in the sink with hand soap if necessary. Sometimes I even sleep in them. I can put these in and off easily too. Great item!! Maria"If you have ever had heel cracks or cracking of the heels. This what you need, these are awesome. They are also great if you wear sandals or water shoes.Mr TW

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Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

5 days ago

Meera L.

Smooth transaction and product arrived in perfect condition.

3 weeks ago

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