Wellness Reproductions & Publishing Strategies for Anger Management Cards
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Wellness Reproductions & Publishing Strategies for Anger Management Cards

Product ID: 303767621
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Grades 7-12. This card game is designed to facilitate groups or individual sessions aimed at developing skills for anger management and conflict resolution. These cards can be used in a variety of creative ways to engage participants in exploring the feelings, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors associated with anger. Examples: What is the benefit of writing letters to people we are angry with, even if we never send the letters Can you count how many times you have been angry in the last week If you were involved in a conflict with a family member in your home, where would you go to take a 'time out' Contents: 72 Cards Instructions These cards are based on the activities in the book Strategies for Anger Management by Kerry Moles, CSW, and can be used alone or in conjunction with the book

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